Parent Coordination

Parenting Coordinators and Facilitators assist the family courts by providing mediation for high conflict couples who need guidance in child custody issues and scheduling. The Coordinators and Facilitators are appointed by judges and paid by the families according to Texas and state statutes in other states as well.

Parent coordinators/facilitators are specialized mediation service providers. These professionals offer divorced and divorcing parents assistance in child-centered dispute resolution and custody issues, while developing and implementing workable parenting plans when parents are distracted by their high conflict relationship. Both services may be ordered for families through the court for these high conflict families and are codified in the Texas Family Code.

When parents have intense and prolonged inter-parental conflict, not only does it impair their ability to deal with each other, it distorts their ability to deal effectively with their children. This is very costly to the family in terms of money spent in litigation, emotional distress, and ineffective parenting. Money and time resources are distracted and usually wasted. Parenting coordination and parenting facilitation helps the parents and their child(ren) move forward to healthier and more satisfying decisions.

In some cases, the behavior of one or both parents may lead to the alienation of their children. Parenting coordinators and facilitators are often appointed by the family court to help families save money, to make quality decisions for the best interest of their children, and to keep their divorce child-centered in a win-win way.

  • Our Family Wizard (OFW) is utilized in the Sterling Magnolia Mediation practice to ensure fair, co-parenting communications between parents. Accountability is vital for healthy co-parenting and each tool on OFW has a built-in framework for concrete documentation. From first viewed time stamps to GPS-verified check-ins, OFW provides peace of mind for families and absolute clarity fir family law professionals.